Search Homes for Sale in Viridian Arlington

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Viridian is a 2,000-acre master-planned community in Arlington, TX.  Grenadier is one of several builders in this community.  They offer maintenance-free homes with energy-efficient, cost saving features and their homes are built with Universal Design.  Universal Design homes include features to accommodate everyone, regardless of difficulties with mobility or vision. This means it’s easier to navigate for older adults or people with disabilities.

Amenities include:

  • Access to Lake Viridian
  • Sailing Center
  • 850 acres of open space & lakes
  • Viridian Lake Club, a 6-acre peninsula overlooking Lake Viridian, including four pools, a pavilion & a small amphitheater
    Amenities Center

Search Homes for Sale in Viridian Arlington

If you are interested in finding out more about the Grenadier Universal Design homes or other properties in Viridian, give us a call at 817-330-9235.